Closet Organization:Before

Hi Beautiful Women,

Helped a friend with a closet for her Spring/Summer clothing.  First we emptied the entire closet, below/above and all clothing.  It was a work in progress and weeded out clothing that did not fit or inspire a great feeling.  For me personally I must have my closet 100% organized at all times otherwise I get frantic.  However; over the years has morphed into a beautiful closet with adding "Joy Mangano" hanger system, the clips and skirt hangers are fantastic.  Will take a picture of my own closet and post as well very soon.  Also put something in your closet that makes you smile, a cherished picture, Poetry, some inspiring words that speak to you .  Your closet should be a place of respite and lovey to look at because you deserve a beautiful place to look into at start and end of your day.  Put on my tan in a can "Sally Hansen" product Airbrush Legs, water resistant, my legs shimmered in the sun.  Tomorrow will post an after picture of the same closet for you to see how simple it is to transform a messy place.
Have a great Thursday evening,


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